1Zumba, Money Stress?

Seriously, we are thankful for all our current readers from everywhere  😉 Most grateful, we are for our new friends from the US, Russia, the UK 😉

Sometimes you feel lazy. You’re not in the mood , but you need to bring yourself up to a certain mood, so you can deliver what is needed 😕

Dear 1Zumba friend, I miss you so much; I wish I had the time to sit with you and talk to you face-to-face. I know that you would want that too, but you don’t want to jeopardize our friendship, am I right? I understand. Or may be there is more to it! Why don’t just seize the opportunity to say something? 


Qatar Airways

You know my dear friend, I don’t want your charm to fade away; there’s still some channels, you can utilize, but I see you as if lost in the daily routine; or may be you are not aware of your chances with these channels. Smart 1Zumba, what are you doing, huh? Take the time & ask yourself: am I on the right path?

My 1Zumba instructor, Michael, “credit card bills arrive in the mail once a month for each card. Debt collectors may be calling on the phone on a daily basis. Utilities are threatening to cut off your services. The car dealer is threatening to repossess your car. All of this pressure can and does cause constant anxiety and extreme stress.”

Money anxiety or debt stress can cause problems in all areas of your life. It can invade your workplace. When you are distracted by worries about how to cope with your debts, your productivity at work is likely to decrease. It also can invade your home. Studies show that the leading cause of divorce is financial pressure, leading to arguments over money.

Michael, in brief,  it can even take over your life. Clearly you are not in any position to make the best decisions about your life when you are weighed down by grave worries about your ability to pay your bills. So here is a number of suggestions for you:

  • Some people can provide help to you. Find a trustworthy body, it’s not that simple of course to find the right person. But you’re smart mature person. There must be someone around you, who cares for you, and who you know that would listen to you, and give you the time, to ask her advice.
  • Take the time in analyzing the problem, and discuss it loudly with your partner, or your wise acquaintance. Usually when someone is outside your circle, she would see things better, or more objective than yourself.
  • You can pay someone to give you a financial advice. There are plenty of financial consultants. You can get fee consultation via your bank. I know that Chase Bank, Bank of America,  Wells Fargo, & other financial institutions  have free consultation for their clients.
  • You can have a plan for your expenditure,  stick to it, & reward yourself.
  • You can have a simple “Walk & Talk” in the park with a friend, the way we do it in 1ZumbaCircles Group, where you spend almost one hour with any friend, walking and exchanging info about any matter of concern to both of you.

Back to our Saturday, and the mood we want to be in; may be we should conclude our session, and suffice talking about credit cards or solutions for money stress for now.

1Z-MnyStrsCindy, 1Zumba friend, here is one spot where it doesn’t matter who you are! 1Zumba opens its arms for all kinds of people. Just be yourself? If you don’t want to be classified under a certain category, it’s actually good. 

One new info has been brought to our attention lately about toxic food. It was given to me by an nutritionist, who said that there was a high trend of consuming toxic food without you know it; so pls take the time, and read here some new info if you care for your life, and the lives of your beloved ones. Click me. 😯

Give us your biggest hug ever, we love you all guys, so get to our topics  😉


7 thoughts on “1Zumba, Money Stress?

      1. Welcome! I’m not surprised to see few people trying to come up with something else different from the money we know, in an attempt to decrease the negative effects which are created & generated gradually, as of the greed & the endless love for money, I should say. Miriam, thanks again, you’re very inspiring 🙂

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